Intergenerational Program
From the voices of our devoted staff
From the voices of proud parents
There is nothing quite like watching a child’s eyes fill with wonder or an elder’s face light up with joy. At TowerLight Childcare Child Care and Senior Campus, we are lucky to experience both each and every day.
What is Intergenerational Child Care?
Our whole-child approach includes a unique intergenerational program in cooperation with TowerLight Senior Living that brings young and old together in a stimulating co-learning environment.
Our child care philosophy is learning through play and exploration. As children and older adults share memories, play games and create together, an unmistakable bond forms that transcends generations. For children who do not live near their own grandparents, these connections can be especially poignant and meaningful. Learning alongside seniors will help children see beyond their own small worlds. They’ll understand more about life and discover many similarities between themselves and their “Grandfriends”. This understanding and love will lay a foundation for celebrating diversity, a skill that they will use throughout their lives.
Our Campus has been designed to give daily opportunities to interact and build friendships through our staff-supervised activities. Intergenerational activities include: read-a-long time, gardening, bingo, hi-tech science program, MacPhail lifelong learning music program, special events for families to get to know our Grandfriends, but most of all the daily interactions of friendship building through walks around our senior campus, inclusion in the weekly programs for entertainment and special meals together.